Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Timely Rebuke

There has been a fair bit of discussion about the end of the world lately. American Harold Camping predicted the earth's last day would be the 21st May 2011, and now there's Alan John Miller and Mary Suzanne Luck from Queensland who are claiming to be Jesus and Mary Magdalene returned to earth (and have atttracted a number of followers).

While we can say those people are nutcases, Carolyn McCulley from Radical Womanhood offers a timely rebuke to those who of us who claim to be Christians and say we believe Jesus will return.....but live like He never will.

Read her post here.


  1. If they actually read the Bible, they'd know they cannot possible predict the return date of Jesus...silly people.

    And, I agree with the other lady that we should live like we actually expect Him to return. The world would be such a nicer place for everybody.

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