I'm not a fan of resolutions - mainly because they often get broken and it's very discouraging.
Therefore, instead of declaring what I WILL do this year, I have decided to list my HOPES. I cannot do anything in my own strength. While I have many plans, it is the Lord's purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21).
I have decided to call this year, The Year of Keep on Keeping on. My desire for this year is to finish or simply keep on with what I've already started, rather than necessarily start lots of new things (although there could be a couple of new things in the pipeline). Mostly I want to do it all for the glory of God, but also learn to use my time well.
1. Finish editing my book and start the search for a lierary agent and publisher. Editing is SLOW!
2. Finish my TAFE course. I have started my final semester and should have finished my Certificate 2 in Business by early June (God willing).
3. Do another unit in the Moore College correspondence course.
4. Raise money to support those in paid ministry, overseas missionaries, Compassion and anyone/anything else the Lord leads me to give to. Last year I felt my passion dwindling for this. With all the work being done to our house, it seemed like we were collecting more stuff than getting rid of it. I do not NEED so much STUFF. I have a garage sale planned for sometime in January or February. I'm also considering doing more beading and selling the pieces through the craft shop in town. Expect more Acts 2:46 stalls.
5. Pray and explore new things to be involved in such as visiting the elderly in the nursing home in town, or taking on the missions role in our church in partnership with Duncan. I have a great desire to share the love of Jesus with older folk who don't know Him, and lately I've also felt a growing passion for overseas mission. When our church leaders asked us all to consider putting our hands up for the vacant role, Duncan and I BOTH felt God speaking to us. We've expressed interest, but that's all at this stage. It's nice to know you're on the same page as your husband sometimes. :)
It will be very interesting to look back on this in a year's time.
What are your hopes and plans for 2012?
I´m no fan of resolutions, either. Why would there be one day in a year to promise to do what you feel you should or want to do anyways?
ReplyDeleteI´m also just keep trying to get better at the things I don´t like - and enjoy life and try to find "good" in the "bad" (like cleaning out my Mother´s place with Bro - I will probably see my little Niece, too, we´ll talk, Bro and I etc).
All the best for 2012 and good luck with your book! Must be a fantastic feeling to see it in a book-store!
Thanks, Sarah. It's good to read your hopes for the year.