Last week I discovered that I can no longer leave comments on some Blogspot blogs. Whenever I click on the comments link, the whole page freezes so I cannot even read any existing comments. The odd thing is that it only happens on some Blogspot blogs I read regularly...but not all.
Yesterday I did quite a bit of clicking around to see exactly which blogs and posts I could comment on and which ones I couldn't. Apologies to anyone who has a stats counter and probably thought they had a cyberstalker on their hands!
I can comment on my own blog ok, but now I'm wondering if others are having the same problem? After doing a bit of Googling, I think the issue may be a bug in Blogger's new threaded comment system. Apparently there is a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer. If you use Internet Explorer (which I do), you may not be able to comment on blogs which have threaded comments.
I expect that Blogger will sort this out in time, but for now I want to suggest a temporary fix. Change from threaded comments back to pop-up or full-page comments. Just for a while. That's what is being suggested on the net anyway. I know it might be easier to suggest blog readers use a different browser, but I'm having trouble with Firefox as well at the moment for different reasons and my download is quite slow.
So...can you comment here? Leave a test comment if you like.
If not, you're welcome to email me at seddyed at hotmail dot com
Threaded comments do sound cool though...eventually.
Commenting quite happily!
ReplyDeleteI can comment here....I use Safari (on Apple) as my browser at home.
ReplyDeleteAm I one of those you can't reply to?
Karen, yes I can't comment on your blog unfortunately. :(
ReplyDeleteJust changed my settings...let me know if that helps...
ReplyDeleteYes, that is the problem I have been having these last couple of days. I have put the comments to full screen for myself which allows me to comment on my own blog (!!) but I am not having much success on some other blogs. Seems to be OK on yours though! Looking forward to it being fixed. It's quite weird not being to comment in various places. Feeling left out of the conversation. Mx
ReplyDeleteChanged to "full page" as you suggested...
ReplyDeleteI am so technologically clueless that I wouldn't have known to do that unless you'd told me to...
Hooray, cheers Karen. It worked. I feel a bit rude though, asking you to change your settings on your own blog. Sorry!
ReplyDeleteMeredith, I was having trouble with your blog initially too, but then I noticed you had the changed the comments layout and it's all good now. :)
I am thinking we are only in the temporarily fixed stage. I can now get onto Karen's blog (hooray!) but don't think it is universally fixed. However, as you say, once it is sorted this reply thingo will be great.
ReplyDeleteI use Chrome and have only had that trouble a few times. I have found that pop-up comments work 99.9% of the time, so I changed all my blogs to poo-up. Sometimes, I email the blogger to let them know.
ReplyDeleteI´m using Firefox, all well with commenting :-)