Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Time's Up

The winner is Karen from Life Actually.

For voting in my poll, Karen wins a copy of Moments for Mum which is a devotional book written by my friend, Narelle Nettelbeck.

Thankful to those who voted/commented.  The posts that received votes were:

Introvert Peg in an Extrovert Hole
Facebook Etiquette
5 Things I've Learnt in 10 Years of Following Christ

I don't think I'll be doing another poll for a while, but when I do, I'll have a prize that's easily postable and suits all currencies so that readers around the world can enter.

Karen, could you please email your postal address to seddyed at hotmail dot com and I will get your prize on its way. :)

Back to normal posts tomorrow!


  1. Hooray for Karen. A worthy winner!

  2. Yay, so excited! Thank you very much :)
    Will email you...


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)