Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Acts 2:46 Garage Sale

Two years ago, I had the Acts 2:46 Stall.

Ten days ago, I had the Acts 2:46 Garage Sale.

I've had the desire to sell my unwanted household items to raise money for ministry and charity for the past few years.  I'd been hoping and praying that the garage sale would generate lots of money for our chosen charity.

I won't beat around the bush...it was a complete and utter flop!  Despite having the garage sale at my parents' house in Albany so it would be central, advertising in the local papers and on Facebook, I made just over $50 in four hours.  Oh we had quite a few people come....but they weren't interested in buying.  I think many people go to garage sales looking for specific things and, if they can't find them, then they don't bother browsing for anything else.  It did seem that everything was against us that day.  There were heaps of other garage sales on at the same time, plus it started raining so heavily, we had to shut the garage roller door for a while to stop streams of water coming in.  The persistent wind and rain made my roadside signs wet and even blew some off the bins I'd stuck them to.

Since there was such a lot of stuff left over and there was no way we wanted to take it home again, Duncan and I gave it all to an old lady who fundraises for the local hospice by having a monster garage sale once a year.  She was so grateful.  My Nan had spent some time in the hospice so it was good to help them out.

Despite the stall and now the garage sale failing, I still really want to keep doing this.  Duncan hates garage sales and even joked to a friend of his that I'd sell the shirt off his back if I had the chance. Haha!

I will not give up!

Some of the junk before it left our house

All set up ready

That's me in the background trying to make a hasty escape before Dunc took the photo


  1. Try not to be mad, heaps of people are like this.
    I try to sell brand-new stuff my Mum wanted to use, like really good chairs for outside.
    I said new: 150 bucks, what do you offer?
    70... Hello?! Brand new!
    And my customer (Volkswagen) each got 7000 euros (nearly 9000 Australian dollars) as a bonus this year!

  2. I'm not mad. Mad is angry. I'm more disappointed. But still I had quite a nice day with my family.


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