Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm Back....With A Questionnaire

Janine tagged me in a questionnaire.  I thought it would be a good way to ease myself back into blogging after my hiatus, so here goes...

What is the thing that makes you want to get out of bed each day?
The first thought that goes through my head is....I really want to press 'snooze'...but I gotta pee!

What do you tell yourself to get through painful, difficult, or challenging times?
God has a reason for this and He is in control.  He is using this situation to make me more like Christ.

What can you look back on and remind yourself you were successful at, or were strong enough to come through?
I don't think I'm strong enough on my own to come through anything, but God is my strength. I'm thankful that He has brought me through times where I've felt depressed.  I'm thankful that He has helped me persevere with dealing with difficult people, my family's opposition to my faith, and with completing my university studies and my first novel.

Look around you at this moment and choose one thing to smile about or be thankful for. What is it?
Our first child who (God willing) we will meet in four and a half months.

If you could do anything at this moment to make yourself happy, what would it be?
Go opshopping. :)

Do you have a special place, real or imagined, where you go to in your mind or reality to regroup, seek peace, or just be?
I like walking along the beach for some time out.  Pity we live inland so it doesn't happen that often.

Has there been a particular book that you have read that inspired or motivated you to seek your potential?
The Writer's Guide by Irina Dunn and The Australian Writer's Marketplace.

What childhood fable, fairytale, or movie stretched your imagination and sticks with you today?
The Neverending Story.

What is your favourite form of art and artist (anyone and anything you consider art qualifies)?
Photography.  I'd love to be a photographer, but I don't have the right 'eye' for it.  I love seeing friends, who are talented photographers, put their work on Facebook.
I'd also have to say writing.  It takes a lot of talent and hard work to write passionately and move a reader to engage emotionally with the characters and story.

Do you have a personal anthem, a song, that reminds you of who you are and want to be, that represents the ideal of you?
Not really, but Be Thou My Vision would be one.


  1. OMG I have been so caught up with my own life I totally missed the fact that your having a BABY! Congratulations!!!

    It was great reading more about you. Welcome back from your hiatus. Everyone seems to be taking them (from blogging) lately.


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