Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I've wanted to visit Williamstown since I found out many of the location scenes for my favourite TV show of all time were shot there.  So Duncan and I headed out there on the ferry for a day of exploring.

How murky does the river look!

Duncan had heard that John Wood lives in Williamstown and can often be seen there having a coffee.  I said, "I wonder if we'll bump into him there."  Duncan just gave me a Yeah, right look.
Well, we got off the ferry and guess who we saw shooting a new TV series with Craig McLachlan.

I was SO EXCITED to find this building which appeared in my favourite TV show! 
Can anyone guess which TV show it's from?


  1. I'm assuming it's Blue Heelers, because a lot of it was filmed in Willy (and the John Wood reference!).

    If you went to the beach (one of my favourite places), the life saving club was used as the Courthouse in Sea Change, though most of that was filmed in Barwon Heads.

  2. Yep, you're right, Caroline. It's the Mt Thomas Police Station (which is now a private residence). :)


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