Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wedding 1 2012

It looks like there will only be one wedding to blog about in 2012.  I miss going to stacks of weddings.

We attended Rachel and Dan's wedding ceremony in Perth on Saturday 8th September.  They had a very quirky powerpoint playing while everyone was waiting for the bride which detailed how they started dating and got engaged.  I loved it.

When I was 21 weeks

1 comment:

  1. You all look beautiful :-)

    I heard the dumbest stuff on TV on Thursday, when I had a day off and had the TV on whilst "cooking" lunch - must´ve been a show for... aw, well.

    "Yes, we do wanna get married! I don´t think we will stay together forever, but you have to get married at least once in your lifetime, no?"

    Uh-oh. Was too fascinated to change the channel immediately, so she went on: "It makes us stick together more. Organize the event, find beautiful dresses..."
    Couldn´t stand it no longer then.

    What´s wrong with people these days?
    Is true love old-fashioned?
    Call me an old fart then!


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