Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cara's 1st Birthday

Some more photos I've neglected to share....which also tie in well with my current thought processes (stay tuned).

Duncan's workmate's daughter turned one at the end of September, and had her first birthday celebrations at the start of October.  It was one of those kids' birthday parties which blew my mind.  The theme was 'Nursery Rhymes' and each plate of food was tied in with the theme - everything from Hickory Dickory Dock biscuits to Miss Muffet cupcakes.  The cake was a work of art.  All the guests were asked to dress up as a nursery rhyme character.

It was beautiful and elaborate, but I won't be making nearly as much effort for our child's first birthday.  He/she can have the grandparents and uncles over for a round chocolate cake with Smarties on it (which is far as my cake decorating ability extends).  I don't see much point when they won't remember it.

But Duncan and I really enjoyed ourselves and we hope Cara did, too.

What a shame we had to eat it.

Birthday girl about to blow out her candle.

Cara's dad Cam came as the cow who jumped over the moon.

Duncan was reluctant to dress up (as usual), but when I suggested he wear
his pjs, dressing gown and beanie and come as Wee Willie Winkie, he was quick to agree.
I was the Queen of Hearts (and yes I did bring a plate of tarts).

1 comment:

  1. For us the first birthday was more of a celebration of us being parents for one year and a way for friends and rellies to celebrate that with us. For both girls we had an open house day where we invited anyone who wanted to drop in to come over. If they wanted to bring presents that was fine and we had a table of food out. Both girls still had two day sleeps at that point so we did it between the two and I still went and put them to bed for their sleep if people were still there. The girls won't remember it but we get to show them who came to celebrate with them.


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