Friday, January 04, 2013

Diary of an Incubator: 38 Weeks

This will be the last of the whale photos.

I head to Perth today for my two week 'countdown'.  Duncan is driving me up there, coming with me to our obstetrician appointment today, then heading back on Sunday afternoon for work.  He will join me back in Perth on the 11th and stay with me until the baby arrives.  That's the plan anyway...unless baby has other ideas.

I'm definitely in the achy/uncomfortable/swollen/exhausted/breathless/feeling sick stage now.  The heat is not helping.

I plan to keep blogging while I wait as I SHOULD have internet access, so stick around. :)

A sudden, unexplained absence from the blogosphere could be mean one of two things:

a) I don't have internet access after all.
b) I'm in labour.  Aaaaaagh! ;)

Stay tuned!


  1. Summer pregnancies aren't much fun. Being pregnant is much more cosy in winter, it's like having a built in heating system. But in 40 degree heat....not so easy to cope with :)

    Praying that everything will go very smoothly for you :) Looking forward to hearing your exciting news soon.

  2. You look lovely Sarah but I'm sure you don't feel so great. Hope it all goes according to your plans - praying especially for your and bub's safety.


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