Monday, February 04, 2013

Quote of the Day

This is a quote I'm trying to remind myself of when things are tough and I find myself wishing the time away...

I really am your gift.  I'm not just a little person who needs to be 'raised', taught, and taken to activities.  I came to the people in my life to bring a message: slow down.  Feel.  Be.  Over and over again.  When you do you will notice immediately that I am not an obstacle to your work, or inconvenient to your daily life.  Instead you will come to appreciate my honesty, humour, presence, and love.
- Bruce Scott


  1. Congratulations Sarah on the birth of your precious Rory. He looks gorgeous and you look great. It has been lovely to get back and read all your news. How wonderful that he was born on that special day. You are in my prayers as you navigate these early days.

  2. Oh, he's sooooo cute! And do I detect some wet hair on you? A shower perhaps? Well done!!! That's not easy to fit in, I know!

  3. Yep I had a shower! I'm making showers a priority as they make facing the day soooo much easier.


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