Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quote of the Day

I read this over at girltalk and it moved me to tears, particularly with how low I often feel at the moment.  A great reminder that God listens and cares.  I'm trying to lean hard on Him.

This morning listen to the voice of the Lord Jesus speak,
"I will help you.  It is a small thing for me, your God to help you.  Consider what I have already done.  What!  Not help you!  I died for you.  Since I have done the greater, will I not do less?  Your requests are nothing compared with what I am willing to give.  You need much, but it is nothing for me to grant your needs.  Help you?  Fear not!  I will help you."
- Charles Spurgeon


  1. That really is a great quote. I am guilty of 'accusing' the Lord of not helping or doing anything when I am exhausted.

  2. God will give you the grace you need for today. Just one day at a time. You are doing great. The early days are like running a marathon - every day.

    And here's another quote. I've put it on the internet lots of times. Here's one time more. (And I shall pray for you this evening.)

    Child of My love, lean hard,
    And let Me feel the pressure of thy care,
    I know thy burden, child; I shaped it,
    Poised in Mine own hand, made no proportion
    In its weight to thine unaided strength;
    For even as I laid it on I said,
    "I shall be near, and while she leans on Me,
    This burden shall be Mine, not hers;
    So shall I keep My child within the circling arms,
    Of Mine own love." Here lay it down, nor fear
    To impose it on a shoulder which upholds
    The government of worlds. Yet closer come,
    Thou art not near enough; I would embrace thy care,
    So I might feel My child reposing on My breast.
    Thou lovest me? I know it. Doubt not, then,
    But, loving Me, lean hard.

    Octavius Winslow

  3. Hang in there Sarah, hope things are going okay with young Rory and that you are feeling okay yourself too. The first few weeks of being a Mum were a bit of a culture shock to me (I still remember having a good howl in the toilet when I was in hospital after having my first baby about the loss of my old life....) but it does get better! Especially once they start to sleep a bit more.

  4. Me too, Amanda!

    Thanks Meredith. I love that quote and I remember it from your blog. I found myself dwelling on that last line over the past few days.

    Thanks Karen. It has been harder than I'd ever imagined. No amount of telling myself that it'd be hard in my head could have ever prepared for me the reality of the sheer physical and mental exhaustion and sadness that I feel.


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