Monday, May 13, 2013

Reflections of a Mother

I read this years ago and thought it was appropriate seeing as I've just celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mum.  It's a great reminder of what I can control and what I must leave in God's hands.  This is for my son:

I gave you life,
But I cannot live it for you.

I can give you directions,
But I cannot be there to lead you.

I can take you to church,
But I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong,
But I cannot always decide for you.

I can buy you beautiful clothes,
But I cannot make you beautiful inside.

I can offer you advice,
But I cannot accept it for you.

I can give you love,
But I cannot force it upon you.

I can teach you to share,
But I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect,
But I cannot force you to show honour.

I can advise you about friends,
But I cannot choose them for you.

I can advise you about sex,
But I cannot keep you pure.

I can tell you about alcohol and drugs,
But I cannot say "No" for you.

I can tell you about lofty goals,
But I cannot achieve them for you.

I can teach you about kindness,
But I cannot force you to be gracious.

I can pray for you,
But I cannot make you walk with God.

I can love you with unconditional love all of my life,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and true one.
    Since this goes for a Father as well I´d like to send it over to Bro...


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