Friday, June 14, 2013

The Bubba: 3-4 Months

Rolling, screeching, squealing, increased motor's all happening in this house!  Unfortunately his sleeping is still erratic, but I've learnt to live with that.

He's just a beautiful chap.  I could eat him all up.  Nom! Nom! Nom!

Sleazy, drunken smile

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day

With Nanna

With Daddy

With Pop

Look at those rolls!

Having a good chuckle on his 4 month birthday!

Catching up with Uncle Tim (and a bit freaked out by his new beard)

Reading with Nanna

Serious sleeping bubba

Wearing his lovely jumper that Grandma (Duncan's mum)
knitted for him


  1. Oh, he's delightful! He looks so very cuddly in those knitted jumpers.

  2. He looks so very sweet! Love his new jumper, it brings out his eyes :)

  3. I'm playing catch up and finally seeing your bubba :) Love the little chubba cheeks and rolls hehe. I may be getting clucky-ish.


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