Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Powerhouse Museum and Doctor Who

I've been spending the past few days adapting to being back westside after our latest Sydney adventure.

It all started when there was a mix-up with the dates we were coming over.  We had booked our flights for Monday afternoon, so we were shocked when Duncan got a message from our friend Michael who was at the Sydney airport waiting for us on Sunday night.  Oops!

Chilling before heading to the airport

At the Perth airport

Rory was a bit grizzly on the flight over and didn't sleep much.  It was so cramped having a baby on your lap.  I found myself slightly green with envy watching the adults chilling out by themselves or those with kids old enough to have their own seat and watch movies quietly.

We had a ball!  It was all over too quickly.  Thanks so much to Michael, Amanda and their girls for their amazing hospitality.  Rory loved the girls and having an assortment of new toys to play with.

Rory looks like such a chunky monkey

Rory's new Indian headdress

I enjoyed some cuddles with their cat, George

We arrived on Monday night and spent Tuesday having lunch and shopping in the suburb Amanda and Michael live in.  We visited an opshop (of course) and I picked up a couple of garments much to Duncan's disgust.  The day didn't get off to a very good start when another driver reversed into Michael and Amanda's car, hitting the passenger door where I was sitting.  Everyone was ok and he was a decent bloke who acknowledged it was his fault.  I was impressed with how quickly and civilly it was sorted out (not always so in Perth unfortunately).  Then Duncan got a bit lost (he walked to meet us, pushing Rory in the pram), but I eventually found him.

On Wednesday we headed out for our first big adventure!  We caught the train to the city to go to the Powerhouse Museum.  While having lunch, Amanda was the first to witness the 'cliché of the day':


There were so many interesting exhibitions at the museum.

The Beatles (my mum would have loved this):


I know....very random

I'm electrifying!


This was a very cool interactive play area:
Then Michael discovered there was a Doctor Who exhibition on at the ABC building.  Duncan is a Doctor Who fan.

Yes, Amanda, there's something behind you.


We saw the ABC 24 Hour News being filmed:

The weather man was wearing sneakers haha!

I couldn't resist a photo with Dorothy:

 Some of these photos are Amanda's.  Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. I should have commented on this ages ago! We really loved having you guys here, we had so much fun! x


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