Friday, January 03, 2014

The Bubba: 9-10 Months

The bubba is on the move!  He started commando crawling at 9.5 months and, although he can crawl on all fours, he much prefers slithering.  He should be in the army!

The house has been somewhat rearranged and bubba-proofed.  Now he's started pulling himself up.  Oh my!

He had his first trip to the pool (and just loved the water), and two delightful visits from interstate friends.

I'm really enjoying this stage.  He crawls around and entertains himself.  I can even get a few things done - it's fabulous!

Future best friends perhaps?  Ebony says, "NOT!"

Where's Rory?

There he is!

Poor tired fellow.

Someone loves his swing - an early Christmas present
from Nanna and Pop.

Yes, peekaboo is his favourite game.  He loves
curtains and all kinds of cloths (we call him
'The Man of the Cloth').
Cuddles for Nanna
Wrestling with Daddy
With his friend Marcus who was visiting from NSW

Attempting a family photo after church (Rory was
very grumpy)

Ahhh a sleeping bubba, finally
Having a great time feeding himself broccoli,
cauliflower and carrot for lunch
A prison for bubbas.
With his friend Ruth from Sydney.  "It's not that funny, Ruth.
Really!" says Rory.

Getting a Christmas present from Santa.


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