Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Things I Did During My Bloggy Break

I have to say that I enjoyed my break from blogging immensely.  As much I look forward to writing new posts, it was good to allow my brain to rest from thinking (or overthinking) a bit.  It was good to be free of the burden of worrying whether this blog is interesting to other people.

Here's what I got up to:

1.  I edited two more chapters of my book - that's 35 chapters down, 13 to go.  I've been putting Rory in daycare one day a week and I spend the day editing in the public library in town.  I can be much more productive in the library without the distractions of home.

2.  We went to Perth last weekend for our annual farm staff party.  Friday was spent at Adventure World (not my cup of tea) and we had lunch on Saturday at a tavern with a fantastic indoor kids' playground. 

3.  I went to Zumba twice.  I love it!

4.  We went to an Australia Day barbecue at church.

5.  I took Rory for a swim at our local pool to try out the new little floaty swimming thing my parents gave him for his birthday.

I've only just returned to blogging and now I'm off on another two week break.  Tomorrow night we head off to our church camp near Albany, and then Duncan has two weeks of annual leave.  Dunsborough, Denmark (the WA town, not the country), beach, coffee, wineries, reading, relaxing (as much as you can with a baby) here I come!

*happy dance*


  1. WA Denmark is wisely chosen, Sarah.
    A seagull got me in Denmark over here. The "outcome" was brown. It didn´t bring me luck, either!
    So.... have a glass of wine while dancing!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed your break. We all need one now and then!


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