It's been over a year and a half since I did one of these. It's almost Christmas. It's time!
Here's the choice of books with links to my reviews:
Battlefield of the Mind
Why We Love the Church
This Little Church Stayed Home
God's Good Design
Why Trust the Bible?
The Postpartum Survival Guide
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
The How and Why of Love
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Islam in our Backyard
Living with the Underworld

What's the catch? All you have to do is tell me which 'Christian issue' you're most interested in at the moment and what books you've read on that topic. I tend to get thinking about a particular topic and then read Christian books on that topic. What's your topic of interest lately? Is it baptism, the Lord's Supper/communion, evangelism/mission, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the cross, spiritual gifts, how to do church, church music, end times, creation vs. theistic evolution, prayer, Christian views on parenting, education..etc. etc?
An issue that has really interested me is ethics and this year I read The How and Why of Love and Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (both on the list below).
All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know of your favourite topic lately and which books you've read on that topic (and if you recommend them or not).
No comments will be published. When I announce the winner, I will also compile an anonymous list of responses, but no names will be included.
This giveaway is open to everyone - bloggers and non-bloggers, Christians and non-Christians, from anywhere in the world.
You have until 5pm next Friday 12th December (West Australian time). The winner will be drawn randomly.
If you're not much of a reader, why not try to win a book for a friend?
GO! :)
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