Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Let's See Who's Still Reading This Blog....

I bought this book for Rory at an opshop while we were on holidays in Esperance.

What a bargain for 20c...and especially appropriate right now.

I'll be reading it to him a lot over the next six months, to prepare him for Saturday 26th September (AFL Grand Final Day...woot!)

That's why I've been soooo sick and exhausted lately. :)


  1. Congrats Sarah and Duncan. You will have to visit us in Sydney again (hopefully some time after grand final weekend).

  2. Such wonderful news!!! Yay! Hope you are feeling less fatigue soon. :)

  3. you probably wont be watching your team in the GF anyway so its great timing.... ;)

  4. Saw it on Facebook first, but congratulations again :)

  5. Thanks everyone!

    We'll see about that, Mark! ;) I do know that your team won't be there though. My doctor is a Dorks' supporter, so she'll be free if I go into labour on GF Day hehe.


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