Thursday, August 20, 2015

5 Reasons I Haven't Been Blogging Much Lately

1.  I've been unwell.  I had an iron infusion recently since my most recent blood test showed I am slightly anaemic.  I felt fine during the infusion but, 36 hours later I got a headache.  I kicked it with Panadol, but it came back with a vengeance along with nausea and body aches and pains.

2.  While I was in Albany having my iron infusion, my uncle and aunt from Geraldton came to visit.

3.  I don't get time to blog during the day anymore, so I have to do it at night.  Some nights I've been out, too tired, or just wanting to sit and relax with Duncan.

4.  We had our good friend Alison from Perth come and stay with us.

5.  I've been flat out getting Rory's new room ready, washing all the baby clothes we've been given (we have a heap that get shared between all the ladies on the farm), and continuing my decluttering mission.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes life just is more important - hope you´re feeling better already...


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