Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Bridesmaids...Nine Years On

As I was preparing to cheer the Eagles to victory against Hawthorn last Saturday, I realised it was nine years since I had watched the Eagles in a Grand Final.

On the 30th September 2006, they were premiers.  That day was a special one.  A lot has happened in those past nine years.

I watched that game with a bunch of people from my church.  Nine years later that church has been closed for three and a half years.

Duncan was there.  At the time he was my love interest.  The day after the Grand Final, he moved to Buntine.  I came to the difficult realisation that nothing was ever going to happen between us and that I had to let my feelings go.  Nine years later we are married and have two beautiful sons.


Grand Final Day 2015 was a painful one, but I am proud of the Eagles.  Who could have imagined they would have made it that far.

Image from here

1 comment:

  1. That difficult realisation luckily was "wasted power" then :-)


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