Monday, August 15, 2016

Not the Best Start... our holidays!

We had planned to spend six days in Dalwallinu and eight days in Perth (the only holidays we can afford at the moment are those with free accommodation).

Circumstances meant we were a day late getting away, and then we all came down with colds and are generally feeling rotten. Flynn isn't sleeping because he's sick, so nether are we. I've been very up and down and have sunk to some depressing lows over the past few weeks.

We changed our plans and are now in Perth for two weeks. Here, we can recover on our own. I don't think we'll be seeing anyone for a while.


  1. Holidays when the kids were little were always a struggle, and that was without mental illness. Take it easy Sarah and don't beat yourself up at all. We all struggle at some point or other, even if we don't all admit it.

  2. Hope you still will have some nice days!

  3. Tumbled over your blog sometime back and believe it or not I've never read such a detailed and well written blogs. You love to write together sometime! Well I also have this blog called "You Just Got Booked do check it out and et me know if any suggestions! Once again really well written.


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