Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Last Baby

Flynn turned one last Friday the 23rd September and so I farewelled my last baby.  Never again will I have a little bubba nestled in my arms.  Despite all of the difficulties I've had, I will miss that stage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to him growing up, being able to do more things.  But I just love bubbas.  Knowing that it would be oh so very unwise to have another one brings me much grief.

It was a happy day, celebrating my cheeky redheaded munchkin's first year of life outside the womb.  He is such a character and a delightful addition to our family.

Present time!

Big brothers are great for help with unwrapping presents.

I tried to make a '1' cake, but it didn't quite turn out.
Another cake fail.  Nevertheless, it was very tasty.

With Nanny (my mum).

What a difference a year makes! 


  1. As someone who's finished at three and knows that was right (for several reasons different to yours) I have a small inkling of how you feel. My "baby" is 11 and doesn't cuddle much at all any more. I still love cuddling babies (more than I did when I had my own, I was simply too tired and felt too needed and trapped at that time) and looking at baby bumps! I so wish I could have been there more when my sisters had little ones, but I only was in the country for one out of seven of my nieces/nephews births. I try to enjoy cuddling other people's bubs whenever I get the chance, which isn't very often.

  2. Sorry to hear this was your last baby, Sarah.
    Happy Birthday anyways, and yes, time flies! My littlest Niece will turn 2 on Wednesday!


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