I've heard/read a number of bloggers, who are mums, say that they found it much easier to blog when they had babies and toddlers, rather than older, school-age children. Their blogging patterns seemed to reflect that - long, thoughtful posts every day, or at least several times a week. Well, now I'm in that phase of life, I'm wondering in awe how they did it? How can they churn out magnificent posts with small children crawling over them? How they can concentrate amidst the fighting, screaming and whining? Wouldn't blogging be easier when all of their children are in full-time school? That phase of life seems tantalising to me at the moment. At least six hours, five days a week would be oodles of time to write something marvellous. And in peace and quiet, too! That doesn't seem to be the case, however, for many of these mum bloggers. Sadly, many of the blogs I once looked forward to reading with such anticipation are now no more, or sporadic at best. The tumbleweeds are a blowin'.
I'm guessing that many of them have returned to work, or have filled their child-free time with other activities. Coupled with busy evenings when the children return and there is little time for blogging. What smidgen of time is left for social media is taken by Facebook.
In case you haven't noticed, my blog is dying a slow and painful death. Not only am I running out of ideas for posts, I have precious little time to write them when I do have a bloggy brainwave. Keeping the blog chugging along was fairly easy with one child, but I am much too drained with two. I don't want to stop, but I'm struggling, and there are precious little readers left anyway.
Today is my blog's 11th birthday! Usually, I'd give the blog a new birthday outfit, but this year it can stay in the same clothes.
In previous years, I'd announce this blog's birthday with pomp and blare, but it's a quiet celebration here this year.
I'm going to keep going. I'd love to write more....and I will....one day.
But not this day...and that's ok :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 11 years on the Sed Shed!
Thanks Middo! Long time no see in the blogosphere. :)