Saturday, July 22, 2006

Please Pray...

If you are reading this post, please pray for my Mum. She is not a Christian and since I became one in October 2001, it has made our relationship rather difficult at times. Yet at times over the past few years, it has seemed the Spirit has been at work in her and she has expressed a desire to come to church in Albany a few times and she also wanted to read More Than A Carpenter which I have lent her. Then at other times, she has been abusive towards me about Christian stuff and told me I wasn't a real Christian and that all Christians are mentally ill and hide in the church because they can't face their problems. I always invite her and the rest of the family to church but explain there is no pressure and I'm not going to force them to come. Usually she makes any excuse not to come but a couple of times she has surprised me by suddenly announcing that she would like to go to church with me. One of those occasions was yesterday so she and I are going to church tomorrow morning before I head back to Perth.

When I'm down in Albany I go to the Church of Christ. I used to live just down the street from it and I have friends that either still go there or used to go there plus I know their families and have gradually got to know more people. I love it there, everyone is very nice and I am now famous as Emma's housemate (kidding!) ;). I can also see how gracious God has been to that church, how everyone is coming together and reaching out to the community.

My Mum has come along to the Church of Christ a few times and seemed quite comfortable there. There are lots of people her age and she already knows some other people there. Recently a lady from the church (who we used to live near) has started to come into the physio place where Mum works as a receptionist and Mum has said how nice she thinks this lady is and how much she enjoys chatting to her. I'm praying that God is working here.

So please pray that my Mum and the rest of my family come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour and experience fellowship with other Christians. Pray she will be touched by the message tomorrow and will be dissatisfied with what the world has to offer and realise Jesus is what she needs. Also pray for the guest speaker tomorrow that he will speak clearly and faithfully to God's word. It's sometimes hard being the only Christian in my family; I stuff up heaps but I know God will use me despite this. Pray that I will trust him too and have patience.

Ta :)

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