Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quote of the Day

This is a great quote (and very true) from one of my favourite movies - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

There are no perfect men in this world - only perfect intentions.
- Azeem in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Hey, if you've got a favourite or funny quote to share, leave a comment. Nothing rude or offensive thanks.


  1. My brothers and I used to quote lines from The Princess Bride. Nothing wise, we just loved the movie.

    I'm sorry, I really really hated Friar Tuck's murder of the Bishop in 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves'.
    OK, he was wicked (in the traditional, negative sense of that word) and deserved punishment.
    But he wasn't armed and wasn't fighting when Friar Tuck loaded him up with bags of money and pushed him out of a window to his death.
    It's the same as if Robin had walked up to an unarmed wicked person and stabbed him through the throat.


    Or maybe I'd have liked a chance for the Bishop to realise he'd been wicked, and repent. But I suppose that doesn't look as snappy in an action movie, as a corpse under a pile of money.

  2. I really love this exchange from an episode of Babylon 5. I used to have it as my answering machine message, but people kept complaining it was too long.

    "Oh, I believe it was an endorsement you wanted. A word or two, a picture, to send to the folks back home, confirming that you have a destiny before you. Well, take this, for what little it will profit you. As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds--the sounds of billions of people calling your name."

    "My followers?"

    "Your victims."

  3. And, and, I love the voice-over by the angel at the end of 'Faraway, So Close!'. In German, roughly translates as:

    You whom we love - you think we are so far away - but we are so close.
    We are not the message. We are messengers. The message is love.
    Try to look at your world through our eyes - bring back the look that is full of love.
    Then we will be closer to you.
    And you will be closer to Him.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)