Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm Still Alive....

...but only just (kidding). Somehow I made it through last week, it must have been by the grace of God. I'm sure my hundreds of readers where wondering about my absence from the blogasphere and have missed reading my posts - yeah? Hehehe.

The number of classes I have to teach at the library keeps growing by the day. Last week I ended up doing an extra class (straight after I finished another one) because no-one else was available to teach it and my boss asked me to. All classes went well which is a big praise point, even the Small Business one, except for one girl who kept asking me difficult questions I couldn't answer and even the lecturer got tired of her.

This week I've had 1st year Occupational Therapists and next week I'm bracing myself for an onslaught of 1st year Nurses. I really respect school teachers. I don't know how they teach all day, every day to hypo little kids or surly teenagers. I sure couldn't do it.

The CCC camp was excellent. I had such a great time spending the whole weekend with everyone and reflecting on the topic "Loving our neighbour". We talked in small groups about who our neighbour is, how and why we love them and how they might respond. One of the big things I (and others) learnt was that there are a myriad of ways in which to love people and do good to them. Also, we shouldn't always expect our doing good to someone will lead to an opportunity to share the gospel with them. Sometimes they may ask us why we are doing good to them. Other times they may react badly and accuse us of having ulterior motives. And other times it may just be a passing opportunity to do good to someone we don't know ie. someone who has dropped all their stuff and we help them pick it all up. For years I've been struggling with the pressure that I can't just do good to someone and that I must give them a 5 point gospel outline along with it. Realistically there won't always be this opportunity and sometimes there might be but we are to love and do good to people regardless.

The Saturday night entertainment came together pretty well (well I thought so anyway) given the limited prep time. We played Chubby Bunnies, Celebrity Heads, Battle of the Sexes, Charades, did two quizzes, had a poetry reading by Sue (one she wrote about CCC people) and did a play Jill got off the net called "Evangelistic Man". Well I had fun!

The busy-ness of my life has not really subsided yet. I still have the Perth Women's Convention, City to Surf and then it's AFL finals time. Woohoo! While I'm looking forward to all of these things, I'll also be praying for lots of sleep.

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