Monday, August 07, 2006

A Very Busy Week

Aaagh, I just looked at my calendar this week and it's SO full. How on earth am I going to make it through this week without dropping dead from exhaustion?

* I'm teaching several classes at work, including one on Thursday night. That one I'm particularly nervous about as they're 3rd year Small Business students and I don't have a business brain. I have to show them how to find books and journal articles for their major assignment so I hope they or their lecturer don't ask me difficult questions I can't answer.
* Tennis starts on Wednesday night.
* I have my singing lesson then bible study on Tuesday night.
* Church camp starts on Friday night down at Baldivis. A few months ago, Jill (who is organising the camp) approached me and asked if I would like to do 'entertainment' at camp. I thought she meant would I like to do an act, like tell lame jokes (something I probably do well) or be involved in a skit or whatever. I said yes and she said she'd get back to me later with more details. Last night she approached me and asked me if Saturday night was all under control. I said 'What?!?' and it turned out she meant for me to organise lots of people to be involved in entertainment but hadn't got back to me so I had no idea. So tonight, we're having dinner and doing an emergency planning session. Hopefully it should all come together ok though.

I don't have a single night to myself this week which sucks cos I feel that at least a couple are absolutely mandatory. After camp finishes on Sunday arvo, I'm having a LONG nana nap.
Please pray I don't get stressed out this week and get plenty of rest. I hate going to camps when you're already tired from the past week and I'm really looking forward to this camp.

Also, if you know of any games/skits/activities that have worked well at any Christian camps, please let me know. Nothing that requires too many props or planning though. Ta :)


  1. wow, crazy week hey!

    Hope it all goes well:)

    Enjoy tennis, I played tennis for 13 years, don't play anymore but it is a good sport:) I start indoor beach volleyball this wed WOOT!

  2. Thanks, I've played tennis since I was 11 but I haven't played for the past year or so.
    I loved indoor beach volleyball at SYG. It was my first time playing it and we only won one game but had a lot of fun.

  3. Very cool!

    3 of the crew on the team I will be playing in played with me at SYG i THINK it was Sat arvo and we won it at SYG:D

  4. DANG! I hardly ever dream, but I just had a dream in which a girl I worship told me something, and it might have been important, but I can't rember what it was.
    This has nothing to do with your situation, I just wanted to complain somewhere. I hope you don't mind too much.
    May your day be splendid. Bye

  5. So who was the girl?

  6. Someone I haven't seen for 15 or so years. She got married and has at least three children.

  7. Hi Sierra.

    A little because you did ask briefly at camp, but mostly because because one of my hobbies is rabid, unsolicited, socially inappropriate self-disclosure, I thought I'd ramble some more about what I mean by worshipping someone.

    Many years ago I used to have a great feeling that just under the surface, just out of reach, there was a great secret or key, and somehow everything - from vastness down to the smallest particle, and everything in all its swirling complexity - fitted together and made sense and was connected. Backwards and forwards in time too. I was always trying to understand, to work things out.
    But I have lost that now.
    I think these days that space in my head is taken up by a war between the calm, sensible, reasoned steps of Sydney Anglicanism, vs a terrifying cold void of meaninglessness, that maybe evolution is right. I'm not talking about a Christianised version of evolution, but straight evolution. As far as I can understand it (and I don't think most people who believe in straight evolution face up to this) that means that life means nothing, it's just a series of random happenings (which aren't truly random, they're governed by Physics), and ultimately a human life means nothing more than a dog's or maggot's life. Certainly love doesn't mean anything, it's just a mechanism by which some animals get together to reproduce, care for their spawn, and co-operate with each other to maximum advantage for the species.

    umm, actually that all might be side tracking.

    I used to say that there were 2 people I worshipped, and another 2 with a similar status and power.
    Umm, there's a feeling that they're connected to deep things, or the meaning of life, somehow. Or some kind of brightness. Perhaps, sort of like, in one case, the meaning of life compressed into the space of a person. (hmm, sounding pretty far away from any real, living human person?). All girls. So, this feeling is probably closely related to being in love.

    One result of this is that I sometimes choose to take things they say or more often, do, as being
    from God.
    For example, I used to be one of the followers of the Bishop of Rome, ie a Roman Catholic. According to the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation, during communion the bread and wine is in some way transformed into Jesus' actual body and blood. Which Protestants don't believe. Although I had changed to a Protestant church, I had still never successfully examined all the arguments about communion and worked out what was true, so for some years I never took Communion. Then one day during Communion, The Girl From the Insane Plan brought a piece of bread back for me. I suspect it was because her mother told her to, but regardless I decided to take that as being God telling me it was OK, and I have taken communion since then.

    Anyway, they all got married to other people, and at least three of them have children now. And I have lost contact with all of them.

    Sorry, there might be something wrong with me, carrying on like this.

    But thanks for yet another opportunity to attempt to turn your blog into my blog.

  8. I'm not sure who the anonymous person was but it wasn't me.

  9. Darth Terios, I suspect that you are talking about Nihilism when you write about the real evolution. Whilst you find the philosophies held by Nihilists horrifying, it must be remembered that these same philosophies have given rise to one of the most powerful races in the galaxy - the Nietschians.


Comments are much appreciated...but please be nice. :)