Back in 2006, you may I blogged about my week-long holiday in Victoria (photos here) and how much I longed to return one day.
Well, this Monday I am. Except it's not for a's for work!
I'm going to be representing my university at a Library conference and giving a 10 minute talk next Wednesday. Eeek! It'll just be me all my lonesome self in front of a bunch of scary librarians. I asked a workmate, "Should I dress as 'conservative librarian' or 'trendy librarian'?" She said, "Go trendy."
What am I going to be speaking about? Blogs of course :) Our library blog, specifically.
I was looking forward to this trip months ago but now that it's here, I really don't want to go. Partly because the workmate I was going to be doing the talk with now can't come. And also because my wedding is just around the corner and I've already got 50 million other things on my mind.
I'll be in Melbourne from Monday to Friday next week so don't be surprised if there's very little or no bloggage happening here during that time. I'm staying with a friend, Jenn, who I met at Mick and Corinne's wedding (Corinne is a mutual friend). She lives in Preston which is in the northern suburbs so it's going to be an hour-long tram ride to and from the convention centre. There has been a fair bit of confusion with me being a first-time conference attender. First of all, the library said they were paying for my accommodation in the city but I didn't want to stay alone (that sounds quite nice now actually). Then they said they would but not for the whole time (I wanted to fly home the day after conference finishes).
On the plus side, I get all my meals, taxi and tram fares paid for. AND this includes internet cafes so I MIGHT just be able to do the odd post. I'm SO using up all my designated money....haha. Especially since they didn't tell me this at first and I thought I'd have to pay for everything myself. Argh!
So I AM looking forward to being back in Melbs but it's just bad timing right now. I'm already busy enough with the wedding and now I have to try and find my way around a strange city and there won't be time for much else apart from going to the conference. Plus, you know, there's all those scary underworld figures in Melbourne (ok, now I'm just being silly).
I know I have no reason to be nervous presenting when God is right there with me.
But please pray anyway as I venture into enemy territory for the Eagles.
"enemy territory for the Eagles" dont have to go to Melbourne for that.....just come to my blog :)