Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wedding 1 2008

2008 is still very much wedding season for me. This was the first we went to and it was back on the 12th January. Duncan's third cousin Leighton got married to Hannah in the gardens of his parents' place in Busselton. It was a warm day and unfortunately I didn't realise that I was badly burnt until it was too late. For some reason, I just didn't think of sunscreen at a wedding and shade wasn't enough. Poor Duncan ended up with a sunglasses tan on his face...he looked so funny!

Hannah looked stunning


The Kiss!

About to sign their lives away

Making it official

Arriving back after photos
Newlyweds' speech
So many cakes! But they need them to feed everyone!
How sweet!
With my man


  1. Those white sneakers!... :-)) Too funny!

  2. Oh yeah, I never actually noticed before...LOL! :)


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