Friday, February 29, 2008

The Three Month Check-Up

Last year I blogged about my first trip to the skin cancer clinic to get a scan and then I urged you all to go and get one yourselves.

I also mentioned that the doctor reckoned that a couple of my moles looked dodgy. She took a sample of one (which turned out to be okay) and photographed the second one and told me to come back in three months.

Yesterday, I went back not expecting there to be good news. It just looked suss and I couldn't see any other way how she was going to say NOT to cut it out. I hate pain and the thought of being cut and stitched while awake. I've never had any external stitches before; only ones in my mouth for my wisdom teeth and they were disolvable.

To cut a long story short, I had it cut out. She didn't reckon it was overly worrying but recommended that cutting it out would be the best option as it had changed slightly.

The anaesthetic needle hurt but other than that I couldn't feel anything of course; it's just the thought that grossed me out. All I could feel was my skin being pulled as it was sewn up.

I'm not telling where the mole was but I'll just say it was in a bit of an awkward spot and showering is very difficult at the moment. It stings occasionally but isn't too bad. At least I didn't faint this time.

I'm heading to Cornerstone camp tonight (read my 2007 review of it here) but there'll be no sport or swimming for me :(

Please pray that mole isn't cancerous.

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed for you!! Hope everything is all right!


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