Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Baby

No, I'm not pregnant!
But until we have kids of our own, I'd like to introduce you all to our newest 'baby'.

This is Maya. She is a nine week old Red Cloud Kelpie/Border Collie cross. I didn't know at first, but Maya is actually the name of a town just north of Buntine. Oh well, it just shows she's a local dog. We got her off a friend of ours who has her mother.

Duncan has grand plans for Maya to be a top class working dog. She has stacks of energy and can run and run when she wants to. I could never have a dog like that in the city.

Maya is my first ever doggy as my dad would never let me have one. Duncan's never had a dog either. I did feel a sense of 'Angelina Jolie guilt' about buying a puppy instead of a 'pound dog' who desperately needs a home but Duncan plans to get me another dog in the future that will be more of a pet and company for Maya.

Here are some more photos of dear little puppy

Sharpening her teeth

It's a hard life being a dog!

We were wondering how Maya would be received by the other furry member of the household. I thought she could expect a hiss and a swipe from Madam Puss upon arrival but Ebony was at first only intrigued by this strange creature although she still gives Maya a bit of a wide berth. Maya finds Ebony simply fascinating since she has never seen a cat before and follows her everywhere, wanting to be her friend. Ebony looks at Maya with disdain, probably thinking, "What a stupid animal. It has none of my grace and elegance." Maya is quite boisterous and lunges at Ebony which of course causes puss to run off. Ebony then gets more than a bit annoyed and has given the pesky pup a few swipes to warn her to back off. I've advised Ebony that she would be wise to make friends with Maya now while they are roughly the same size before Maya realises that cats are for chasing.

Giving each other a wide berth.

"But I just want to be friends"


"No, wait, come back!"

The beast spots her unsuspecting victim.

"Where are you, Ebony?"

"Up here you dumb canine."
Safe....for now.
Maya trying to show Ebony she's a nice doggy....after getting a swipe from a very annoyed puss!

1 comment:

  1. cute!!

    That reminds me of Jet and the in-laws cat. He just wants to play :)


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