Friday, May 30, 2008

Birthday Love Language

I'm gonna party like it's my birthday.....cos it is!

It's funny, I've been thinking a lot about the five love languages - you know, the five ways people tend to give and receive love - physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, giving/receiving gifts and acts of service. Well, I'd like to add a sixth love language. You see I feel loved when people remember my birthday.

Last year so many people forgot my birthday and I felt very unloved. That might sound strange to you because some people see birthdays as no big deal. But to me, birthdays will always be a big deal. It's the one day of the year that's your special day, regardless of the fact that many other people in the world share your birthday. Birthdays are an excuse for a party, a celebration, a time for getting together with others. Even if you don't feel like celebrating your age increase....just do it! You'll feel better.

I don't know why so many friends and family forgot my birthday last year. Perhaps it was because for the first time in many years, I didn't have a party. It's like people only remember when you invite them to something to remind them. I went to a friend's house on my birthday last year and when she didn't say anything........

Me: Do you know what day it is?
Friend: Um, Wednesday.
Me: Do you know what DAY it is?
Friend (looking confused): Nope.

I raised my eyebrows. After a few seconds she remembered in a rush.

So I'd just like to remind you that today I'm 24 no more. Now I'm 25 - halfway to the big 5-0, a quarter of the way to the century. Only 75 more years and I'll get a telegram from the queen. Actually no, she'll be long gone. Maybe it'll be from William.....or a president?

AllI want is for people to remember it's my birthday. That's all. I don't care about presents, although I am grateful for those I do receive. Actually I don't care if I don't get any presents this year due to living in a small cottage. No excuses for not remembering. There are enough 'reminder devices' around. I always mark important birthdays on my calendar. Facebook is good for reminders too. By the way, THANK YOU to all my Facebook friends who wrote birthday wishes on my 'wall'.

Like last year, I'll be spending the day alone. Duncan is working and I don't have a job yet so I've decided that I should spend some of the day getting reacquainted with Brad and Hayley. No, not our friends, the couple Duncan works for. Brad and Hayley, the main characters in the book I'm writing. Yep, today I'm gonna start writing again! It's a pure coincidence that Duncan works for a couple with the same names as my main characters.

Tomorrow, my parents are coming to visit and we're going out for dinner and I get cake. WOOHOO!

Have YOU remembered what day it is? :)


  1. I was just about to message...ok no I wasn't:P

    But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway!

  2. ps I look forward to being insurance will be so much cheaper post 25

    Being younger than 25 sucks for insurance purposes :(

    This gives me a blog idea!

  3. Thanks. Good point! Bring on cheaper insurance. Although I think there are a lot of hoons over 25...that's something insurance companies just don't get.

  4. Happy, happy Birthday, Sarah! :-)

    Boy, will I live to see from whom you get a letter in 75 years? Interesting idea, really :-)

  5. Happy Belated B'day!!

    I hope you had a great day even if people forgot!

    I'm the same as you, it is nice when people remember your b'day...I get sick of people not turning up to a party or dinner for my b'day that these days I just never have a party...apart from with family :) they always remember :)

    Happy Birthday!!!!! you old fart ;)

  6. Happy Belated B'day!!

    I hope you had a great day even if people forgot!

    I'm the same as you, it is nice when people remember your b'day...I get sick of people not turning up to a party or dinner for my b'day that these days I just never have a party...apart from with family :) they always remember :)

    Happy Birthday!!!!! you old fart ;)


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