Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Journey To Strahan

After visiting Port Arthur, we headed to Strahan on the west coast. To get there we drove through the centre of Tasmania and through beautiful rainforest on very very windy roads. It takes a while to get to places in Tassie because the windyness of the roads slows you down.
We stopped at Richmond to see the bridge, built by convicts.
I was fascinated by the many different types of ducks.
A lady stopped to feed them.
Then all the ducks just went mental!
Crested duck.
Interesting way to advertise.
It started snowing during our journey and dropped to 1 degree celsius. Here's our hire car.
See the snow on the roof.
Freshly fallen snow is good for throwing snowballs at Duncan ;)
I just had to dance in it.

1 comment:

  1. 30 C in the office (brekkie-break) and I get goose bumps seeing those last pics!
    Who needs an aircon when your blog is available ;-)


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