- I'm starting my new job tomorrow. Yes, I got the job at the gift/toy/clothing/everything shop working Tuesdays and Wednesdays on a casual basis. I finally heard back from the lady while we were in Launceston - she took a month to get back to me! Anyway, it's not my dream job but it's a start. Please pray it'll go well and I'll adjust back to working outside the home again.
- I'm going for another job interview on Thursday morning. Brad sent a text message to Duncan while we were in Devonport to let me know about another job which is a part-time administration manager position at a farming organisation in Buntine. I think admin manager is just a fancy term for 'office chick' but it sounds like it's more up my alley than retail. I was already preparing my selection criteria when I found out I got the other job but decided to apply anyway. If I get this job it'll be ideal as it's much closer and I'll save a lot of petrol. But first I have to confront a panel consisting of the executive officer and three local farmers who are involved on the committee. Duncan assures me that these blokes won't be intimidating and have good senses of humour. I hope so. I have no idea what they're going to ask but I know whatever it is, I'll need God to answer for me.
- On Thursday night, I'll be umpiring netball for the first time this year as my team has a bye. I haven't umpired for 10 years and when the chick I'll be umpiring with and I found out we'll be umpiring the two 'roughest' teams, we groaned loudly. Pray that I'll look really mean and the players will do as they're told. Or better yet, pray that one of the teams will forfeit. Yes, that'd be better :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Week of Firsts
I want to take a break in transmission regarding my Tassie photos to let you all know about big week (well big in comparison to my usual everyday life in Buntine) and ask you all to please pray.
Yes, I will be praying. You have a busy life, as do I....and we need support in prayer...
ReplyDelete"Where two or three come together in My Name, there am I with them" Matthew 18:20
Thanks Lill :)