This is what she wrote about me on her blog:
Sarah at Sedshed is another deep thinker who always seems to give a different perspective on many areas of life.
Now I need to nominate five other blogs to share in this award. I am actually going to cheat and only nominate three because most of the blogs I read are by men. I think we need more consistent female bloggers out there.
Bek from Longfur. She has a baby now so she can't blog as often as she used to but I really miss her posts just about following Jesus in everyday life. Come back Bek!
The ladies from GirlTalk. They have their comments section disabled, probably because they'd be overloaded with comments, their blog is that popular. I really appreciate their thoughts on biblical womanhood.
Robin from Desperate For More Of Him. I have only been reading her blog for a few months but have been both encouraged and convicted as I read her honest thoughts about her walk with God.
Thanks ladies!
Wow, thank you soooo much, it really means allot! I am glad that my spirit-led writting is getting into peoples hearts. That's what it's all about ya know :) God Bless, and I hope to get to know you more here in the blog world!!! Robin