Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Focus - Is The Cross Enough For You and Me?

A little while ago I read a very thought-provoking article titled A Journey To Parenthood in which the author describes her struggles with infertility, and in which she asks the question all Christians need to ask themselves.  Do we really consider the cross enough?

From my own experience, it's easy to be thankful for Jesus' death and resurrection when things are peachy.  But when suffering and unfulfilled hopes wear me down, I begin to doubt God's goodness.  I forget the enormous sacrifice He made.  I start to doubt His character and accuse Him of unfaithfulness, when I am the one whose heart is forever wandering.

That article was a jolt back to reality.  I need to preach the gospel to myself every day to remind myself that God owes me nothing and has already given me everything.

So now I keep asking myself these sobering questions: Would I really say, "God is good all the time," if he had left me a single librarian (and now with glasses....just to add to the stereotype)?  What if I have cancer?  Or can't have children?  Or I lose Duncan or another loved one?  How about if I become poor and destitute?

That's when I need to refocus and remember the awe and wonder of God coming to earth in the person of Jesus, and dying a horrible, agonising death at the hands of His creation to pay for the sins of a world in rebellion against Him as its King.  That he defeated death by rising again so that those who trust in Him may live with Him forever in His glory.

If the cross was all God ever did, would that be enough for you?

If you would like to join in the Friday Focus blog hop and share what God has been teaching you lately, click here.

1 comment:

  1. A really good reminder of something that I too forget especially when circumstances are hard.


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