Friday, July 23, 2010

Get On Your Soapbox #16

It's Friday!  Time for a rant!

Since when did hens nights become an occasion for Christian women to cease living for Jesus and indulge in the world around them?

Before my own hens night, I was approached by a fellow Christian who openly told me of the plans she had for me on my hens night and none of them were pleasant.  Excuse me, but the bridesmaids are responsible for organising the hens night unless there is a good reason why they cannot do so (like if they live interstate or overseas).  I did not want people hijacking the bridesmaids' plans without their knowledge.  I fully trusted my bridesmaids that they would not do anything unsavoury to me on my hens night, and now here was this person wanting to dress me up in a devil costume and goodness knows what else.  I stopped them right there in their tracks.  Later on, I had to stop the same person wanting to do the same thing to another bride because I knew that bride, being a committed Christian, would not appreciate it.  She ended up using an angel costume instead.

I know that Satan does not necessarily look like how he is depicted in popular cartoons.  If you've ever watched South Park, you'll know that he is portrayed as a funny guy sitting down there in the flames of hell on his throne with Hitler or Stalin next to him.  How on earth Christians can talk about resisting Satan one minute and then wanting to dress up as him the next like it's a big joke is disgusting.  So what if he doesn't actually have red horns.  It's what you are portraying yourself as that matters.

I've seen pictures on Facebook which other Christian girls have put up of hens nights, and you've got to wonder how they can brazenly think there is nothing wrong with drunkenness and playing penis games....even playing 'Pin the Penis on *insert groom's name here*'.  If someone had wanted to play 'Pin the Penis on Duncan', I would have slapped them.  How can they talk about the importance of purity and keeping sex for marriage, and then play a game which degrades a guy behind his back, I will never understand.  It's also hypocritical; if they heard that guys were playing a similar game based on the bride at a bucks night, they would get on their moral high horse.

Living for Jesus involves living for Jesus at all times and that includes hens and bucks nights.  There are plenty of fun things to do that respect the bride and groom.  Such occasions are not for a holiday from holiness.


  1. Speaking of weddings, one of the things that always amazes me is how so many young women who generally dress very modestly will wear such incredibly immodest wedding dresses.

  2. That's odd you've noticed that. Most weddings I've been to the bride has worn a dress which matches her usual taste in clothing ie. if she usually wears skimpy clothes, she wears a skimpy wedding dress and those who dress modestly have chosen one accordingly.


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