Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Favourite Things

I was tagged by Iris from Double Half or One Ten Without Ham to photograph my favourite things from around my house.  I couldn't work out how to make a collage of photos like she did here, and they aren't very exciting, but here they are nevertheless.

Top to bottom:
1.  Jewellery tree.
2.  Giraffe picture.  I love giraffes.
3.  Ikea lamp.
4.  Bookcase full of books, DVDs and videos.
5.  Fly zapper.  Much appreciated in summer.
6.  Year planner.  Helps us organise our lives.
7.  Kitchen rack thing.  Space savers are always good in a tiny house.
8.  Chocolate fountain.
9.  Slow Cooker.  He is my friend.
10.  Laptop.
11.  Tupperware jar opener.

If you're reading this and have a blog, I tag you.  What are your favourite household things?


  1. Oh my! A Fly zapper??? Does it make sizzling noises? Eek :-)
    Really funny, I grew up with what we call Schnellkochtopf... for "fast" (schnell) cooking! Love the Giraffe!

  2. Hehe yes it does make a sizzling noise. Sometimes it makes me jump. Last summer a moth got stuck in it and the fly zapper pretty much barbecued it leaving a horrible smell in our house.


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