Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Pendulum: Plans and Spontaneity

Are you a planner or a spontaneous type?

I have to admit, I'm a planner...often to my detriment.  At times, my planning has lead to me being inflexible and unaccommodating.

But those of you who read my post Not When, But If may have assumed that I'm anti-planning.  As I've just said, I'm very much into plans.  I write to-do lists, I even make mental lists of what needs to be done on my days off such as book editing, TAFE assignments or even sitting down and listening to an online sermon.  I am a planner, but I believe that unless God wills something to happen, it will not come to pass, and we need to submit our plans to Him.

Because of my tendency to over-plan, I often find it difficult to get on with overly spontaneous people.  Personally, I think some people use being 'spontaneous' as an excuse to be lazy and disorganised (see my post Featherbrained).  Plans are good because they make us motivated, committed people.  I see a planned catch-up with a friend as a sign of seeing the friendship as a priority because they or I bothered to think of how best to catch-up and bless each other, rather than just seeing whoever strays across your path.  I used to really HATE drop-ins, and even now I'm not too keen on them.  If you ever drop in on me, you better have a good reason.  Duncan, on the other hand, loves the spontaneous drop-in and frequently does it, even when I hiss at him, "You should call first."

But when I've actually done things on a whim, I've felt incredibly liberated.  That doesn't mean I get joy out of doing stupid, irresponsible things, but it's lovely to randomly go off somewhere or to see someone you didn't expect to see.  Spontaneity can be very, very good.  I want to be a more spontaneous, welcoming, loving person.

I also don't want to end up like my mum and my nan who are rigorous planners (probably where I get it from).  It is so difficult to see my nan sometimes because she plans her days so meticulously.  When she lived alone, and I'd ask if I could visit, she'd say, "No, I'm doing my ironing then...or my washing...or my sweeping."  Everything she does is on the dot and not a moment late.  I don't ever want to be that scheduled.  I don't think it's healthy.

So as to whether we should be planners or spontaneous people, I have to say a bit of both is good.  We have responsibilities and need to plan things, but we also need to be somewhat flexible and not control freaks.

How about you?  Are you a planner or a spontaneous person by nature, or a bit of both?


  1. in the pastors office I often plan my day...but when someone drops in I have a choice...to make it obvious they can stop and chat...or obvious I am busy.

    But more often than not, unless I absolutely need to, I stop and we chat.

    Sometimes those moments are precious times.

    Just one piece of wisdom, people are always more important than tasks...and a dirty floor can always be cleaned tommorow! :)

  2. A bit of both, more to the planning-side, though.


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