Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree

I'm very excited to show you....

Our very first Christmas tree! (Just thought I'd let Meredith know that I definitely didn't put it up in September - I waited until the 1st December hehe.)

We couldn't have a big tree in Buntine because of the size of our cottage.  Then when we moved here, Duncan's workmate and his wife gave us their old tree because they were buying a new one.

So pretty!   I know, I know, it's not the real meaning of Christmas, but you have to does look a bit nice. :)

Although we have big Christmas tree, the little Christmas tree I had still deserves to be on display so it has its place of honour on the mantlepiece.

Oh and we're hosting Christmas this year - our first time ever.  Both families are coming to us.  Just our immediate families though - my parents and my brother, and Duncan's parents and his brother.  After doing pretty much nothing for Christmas last year because of the move, I have really got into the swing of it this year.  I've done my very limited present shopping, the tree is up, and most of the Christmas cards (I bought some from Matthias Media) are done.  I decided YES in regards to Christmas cards, but just to my extended family, family friends, those who gave us cards, and those who don't have the internet.  I even wrote a very brief Christmas newsletter and now I'm planning to enter Cathy's nativity challenge.  I think I might have to make all of this stuff bi-yearly though - it's a bit tiring.  But after praying about it, I felt God telling me this would be a way to bless others and point them towards the real meaning of Christmas.

What are your plans for Christmas Day?


  1. The little christmas tree is too cute! My daughter is with her father for christmas this year so I'll spend it with my parents, siblings and their families.

  2. Love the Christmas tree!
    Our Christmas plans are to spend time with both our extended families...but not too much time (!). Hoping to have some down time at home as well because we are still pretty sleep deprived here :)

  3. Sweet Sarah! I'm laughing out loud! But good work, not putting that tree up until December. Ours went up last week. :-) Love both of yours - the little one is very gorgeous.

    We have lots of things happening at Christmas including church in the morning and icecream cake at lunchtime - because we always celebrate birthdays with icecream cake.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas ladies and welcome to my blog, Kitty. :)

    We're hoping to make the 9am church service here and then come home and cook lunch for the family.

    I hope you get some sleep, Karen. Hehe Meredith yep not too outrageous to wait 'til December. :)

  5. Love the trees :-)
    We´re a bit over it, though.
    Wishing you success and fun for Christmas.


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