I like Middo's post on the subject. It is far more thoughtful and mature than the many blogs and forum comments that have already touched on this.
I really think Ben should be sacked. The Eagles need to stand by their word and do what they said they would if he screwed up again. He's broken the conditions they set for him and needs to face the consequences. Although if he ends up doing time inside, then they have no choice.
However, as a loyal Eagles' fan, it all makes me very very sad. Sad to see a young guy self destruct like that. His career had such a bright start and now it looks like it will have a very bad end. He might have wealth and fame but these things do not necessarily bring happiness. Ben was smiling when he was arrested. Perhaps this shows he has hit rockbottom and doesn't care anymore?
I don't think people should make excuses for Ben like he was upset by Chris Mainwaring's death or that it was due to the media hounding him. If an ordinary person had been arrested for drug possession, a lot of people wouldn't make excuses for them. Celebrities shouldn't get special treatment even though we know they do.
I wonder what the deal is with the other two chicks in Ben's car (media originally said it was one) and the other chick....Daniel Chick? Who was the person with him who was in possession of drugs.
Although the media aren't to blame for Ben's downfall, anything to do with footy stars (particularly Eagles) is bound to be sensationalised in Perth. Simply because they are our biggest celebrities. We don't have actors based over here like Sydney and Melbourne, all we have are sports' stars and newsreaders. We don't get to hear as much about Vic teams' problem players....not to the extent we hear about Ben Cousins. Even when Adelaide players' John Meesen (now traded to Melbourne) and Andrew McIntyre posted handdrawn pornographic images on Facebook, it got a tiny mention in the Sunday Times. Perhaps it was splashed all over Adelaide newspapers....I don't know, I obviously don't live in Adelaide.
After reading lots of blogs and forum comments about Ben, I was amazed at the amount of stupid people there are in Australia, particularly Perth. People who condemn Cousins yet blindly support and excuse Farmer, Tarrant, Didak, Fevola and any other bad boys that happen to be in their team. Grow up! A lot of these comments came from people who obviously have the maturity of five-year-olds.
People who are laughing and gloating over Cousins' downfall obviously need more help than Ben himself. Ben will hopefully face the consequences of his actions and get the help he needs. But it is a sad sad situation and there are dimwitted fans out there who go around asking Eagles' fans what they think of the situation with nasty smiles on their faces. They should get a life as well. Yesterday a friend who is an Eagles fan told me she'd been heckled by a Carlton supporter at her work. Stupid people! I didn't go around hassling Geelong fans when the stuff about Gary Ablett and the woman in the motel room came out. It was tragic. He was a great player.
I think some people forget that people in the limelight still have families and friends. Ben's family will no doubt be very upset. I doubt these stupid fans would laugh if this happened to a member of their family.
I hope Ben is later able to build a life away from the bright lights of the AFL, free from drugs.
The best comment I read yesterday on a forum came from a guy who pointed out that Ben Cousins needs 'divine help.' Not just self-control to beat drugs but to bring lasting change to his life. And he's not the only one. If the Bible is true when it says that 'there is no-one righteous, not even one' (Romans 3:9) and that we are 'dead in our trangressions and sins' (Ephesians 2:1) then everyone needs divine help - druggies or not.
*Photo is from bigpond.com
Here here!! I completely agree.
I agree with a lot of what you have said...but like me....you are displaying a distinct bias.
I do not think you can compare Cousins with Farmer....Farmer has acknowledged problems he has with a legal substance....
Cousins has been taking illegal substances for as far back as when Judge was coach, and alerted the WC administration...who adopted the 'ostrich' approach.
If you want to blame someone, blame the weak wc administration, who should have given some 'tough love' to this whole situation many years ago, long before the AFL threatened them with draft sanctions.
There is no doubt that the WC are the worst behaving football club in Australia, which is why they are getting so much publicity, not just in WA, but all over Australia.
I have a good friend who handed in his WC membership at the end of last year and starting supporting Richmond because of the lack of action taken by WC over their players, not just Cousins, but the list extends to over 8 that have had drug problems, and problems with the law. Including present midfield player Daniel Kerr.
I agree with your sentiments on Didak, how he got away with what he did, and the denial coming from Collingwood staggers belief.
I pray and hope Cousins is able to find a quiet and peaceful place to live his life, and rid himself of the deep addictions that are so obviously plaguing his life.
One big issue for him is that everything has been handed to him on a plate, and no one, up till now, has been willing to discipline him.
Yes, of course I'm an Eagles' supporter and there will be a certain amount of bias from any footy fan about their team. But where do you think the bias is in this post? I don't agree that your Farmer post is 'non biased'.
I'm not just talking about Farmer's alcoholism but also about his history with domestic violence. A lot of sports stars make public apologies because they're pretty much forced to otherwise their reputation is really going to be even more in tatters. No-one believed Cousins was genuine when he apologised, how did Farmer's look anymore genuine? Purple coloured glasses again :)
I agree the WC admin have not handled things well and seem to finally be seeing the error of their ways...I hope.
I read an article on the net which contained the advice of a medical expert who said the Eagles initially made the right decision letting Cousins return to footy so early as doing something he loves will be good while he overcomes his addiction. Obviously it backfired and I can't find the article again, will keep searching :(
I will continue to support the Eagles because of the majority who seem to be doing the right thing rather than support another club who no doubt have a few idiots as well. It's unfair to taint everyone with same brush, especially players like Seaby and Wirra (and others) who are doing good in the community.
Quotes from Brendon Gale, AFL Players Assoc. president.
Mr Gale says there is not a problem with the culture at the Eagles.
"Certainly the West Coast has had its difficulties over the last couple of years, I think they've learnt from that and I think most importantly all the other clubs, the whole industry has learnt from that and part of our charter is to encourage a life out of footy, develop a broader perspective," Mr Gale said.
and John Todd
"If you put rules in front of players they understand the circumstances and the consequences, but to have three strikes and then you're to be looked at, I think that's got to be tightened up.
"[But] to really say that the Eagles have got a culture problem, that's unfair because not all players should be tarred with the same brush."
Article: http://www.bigpond.com/news/topstories/content/20071017/2061840.asp
Would you still support the Dorkers if it were revealed that there druggies among them?
Aha found the article I skim read briefly last night
I got it wrong. It was actually another quote from Brendon Gale:
"I think a lot of clinicians would have suggested at the time an important part of his recovery was playing football, he was certainly given that opportunity and made a very strong contribution in the games in he played in," he said.
No doubt I am bias...guilty as charged, none the less, Farmer is back with his wife/partner....saw them the other day down the shops actually.....
And I do think he has displayed fruit of repentance.
There are many reasons why I dislike the weegirls immensley, despite such obvious good citizens as Wirrapanda, who does so much for his own community.
1. They achieved much of their success by pinching state players, most of them from Fremantle clubs
2. they are arrogant, "the only real team' bumper stickers" and the ads they had out when Freo first entered the comp.
3. their strangehold on the local media....the screw is slowly turning, but most of the articles and commentators are still incredibly biased towards wc...case in point 6peagle and channel 7eagle....
and just about everything this girl sings about, I agree with, especially song 10
but I must admit some of my best friends are WC supporters... :)
Actually I thought Channel 7 are more Channel Dorker. Sure they had Mainy and Barich on there but when the Dorkers won their first derby, Paula Voce and others displayed open delight, declaring themselves Dorkers fans. They seemed pretty impartial whenever the Eagles won a derby.
I can't see the problem with having players from East and South Freo in their squad. Most of them joined the Eagles long before the Dorkers were even thought of and back then there was only WA team to join. When the Dorkers entered the AFL, they chose to stay with the Eagles as they'd already built good careers there.
The Dorkers displayed a lot of arrogance in the lead up to Derby 1, thinking they were going to beat the reigning premiers. And Clive Waterhouse going on about blood being spilt before the Demolition Derby....Typical Dorkers - all violence and sledging but no results ;)
BTW you didn't answer my question - would you still be a Dorkers' fan if it were revealed the club ahd a 'drug culture'?
Sarah..... :)
Your busted....
Clive actually said that prior to the demolition derby, the one we won by one point after Glass could not manage to kick a goal from 10 metres out, the one where Clive kicked 7, and ran away from Slapovich making him look like the old fat fool he was by that stage....
and if the Dockers had half as many off field issues as the weages...I would reconsider my alleigance, or at least hang my head in shame...not ring up 6pr telling the media it is all their fault for picking on poor benny....
I am not one of those who ring up 6pr and whinge (although 6peagle I'll admit that cracked me up :)). You should hear the Dorkers fans whinge on 92.9 which is outspokenly pro-Dorker.
You've confused me Mark :) In one of my previous comments I DID say Clive said that before the demolition derby.
And Clive Waterhouse going on about blood being spilt before the Demolition Derby
Yes, the Dorkers won that game but I was simply pointing out that they have often picked fights and were voted the worst sledgers (got that from your blog :)) but their history is full of very poor results on the field.
In regards to Farmer, that is fine if you think he has repented, I hope so too. But you can't think the best of him but think the worst of the unnamed Eagles who have taken drugs in the past yet we have not heard anything about since. Perhaps they too have repented....
Everyone wants to think the best of their team until it's proved otherwise.
Ah, ya gotta love the banter :) I forgot to say in my last comment...some of my family and friends are Dorkers fans and we enjoy friendly ribbing as long as it doesn't get spiteful and personal. I actually agree with a lot of the stuff you write about on your blog...except the Dorkers propaganda of course ;)
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