Yes, you may have guessed by the title what this post is going to be about. I've been alluding to it over the past couple of months.
I'm moving to Buntine.
Yes, I'm moving to Buntine.
I'll give you a minute to pick yourself up off the floor which is almost the reaction some people had when I told them in person. I realise you may have lots of questions...'why' might well be one of them.
For this post I've decided to do something different and interview myself. The questions are based what I've been asked by family, friends and acquaintances. You may find that some of your questions are answered too.
Where is Buntine?Buntine is a tiny town in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, three hours north of Perth on the Great Northern Highway. It's a wheat and sheep region - there are more sheep than people! Actually it's not even really a town, more like a cluster of farms or a siding really. There's only a town hall, a tennis court, a bowling club, a tiny school and not much else.
Where's the nearest town? Where will you do your shopping?The nearest town is Wubin which is about 15 minutes south but that only really has a petrol station to shop at. The closest 'main' town is Dalwallinu which is about another 20 minutes further south. This is where we'll do our shopping, go to church etc.
How big is Dalwallinu?Small and it's shrinking unfortunately due to the drought. Duncan reckons there are about 700 people in the town and 1100 all together in the shire. So, yeah it's hicksville in Perth people's eyes.
Where will you go to church?We'll be going to Dally Baptist where Duncan currently goes. It has a membership of about 40-something. There isn't much choice when it comes to churches in Dally. Besides the Bapos, there's a Catholic church, an Anglican church and a Uniting church, all of which are theologically dodgy according to Duncan as they don't teach from the Bible. Also there are the exclusive Brethren but we won't be going there (have to be born into them anyway). There are a few theological things about Dally Bapos which irk me but on the whole the people there have been so friendly and welcoming when I've visited and are looking forward to having me join their congregation. I'm looking forward to getting to know them and participating in church life. Half the church is related to Duncan in some way or another so they'll REALLY be family.
Why are you moving to a place like that?Several reasons. I really want to support Duncan first of all. He loves farm life and didn't like Perth when he lived there in 2006. I'm open to where I live (as long as it's not too hot) and decided this would be an adventure and I want to give it a go. Also I really want to get out of the city. I lived in Perth until I was five and then moved back again when I was 17 so I could start uni. I'm over the hectic pace of life and am looking forward to living in a smaller (and hopefully) more tight-knit community.
What will you do for work?Not sure yet. After our honeymoon, we head back to Perth for two more weddings and then back to Buntine in time for seeding. I'm planning to not work for about a month after we're married and just take some time off to get our house in order, do some work on my book and just have a break. There are going to be so many changes already - new husband (not that I had an old one), new house, new town, new church. I really don't want to add 'new job' to that list straight away. I may even decide to just be a bum and bludge off my husband - haha!
There is a tiny public library at the shire offices in Dally but they already have a librarian. I'm hoping for an indoor job, either at the shire or somewhere else. And part-time of course, because I want to keep working on my book.
Are there any jobs available up there?Yes, according to the locals. Nobody wants to move there so they're always looking for people. Teachers and nurses especially, although I won't be doing either of those professions.
So do you have a house to move to?Yes, we'll be living in the little cottage where Duncan currently lives. It's a 3x1, furnished, small and modest but it's our home! Besides Duncan gets it as part of his job so we don't have to pay any rent! YIPPEE!
Won't you get bored? There are no nightclubs, cafes etcNo, I'm not someone that easily gets bored and needs to be 'entertained'. I go nightclubbing once in a blue moon so I won't miss that scene. I will miss being able to buy clothes when I need them or go out to cafes/restaurants with friends. Beware: Dally is not a town for coffee snobs! There is a little cafe/lunch bar but no 'classy' joints. I'm the kind of person who can always find something to do, besides I have Duncan and am getting to know more people up there.
I think people need to learn to make their own fun, instead of expecting other people or TV etc to entertain them. I'm looking forward to playing netball (haven't played for 10 years), tennis and using the gym at the recreation centre.
Did you ever imagine you'd be a farmer's wife?
Correction.....farmhand's wife. I always imagined living on a farm when I was little but I had the image of farming you get from Enid Blyton books. I don't think I'm a typical farmer's wife. I don't have any flannel shirts or wellies. But I am looking forward to having more space and a nice brood of animals.
What kinds of animals are you hoping to get?
Well, I'd love to have a dog for a start. I've never had one because my dad is not an animal lover. We already have Miss Ebony Puss and three chooks that we're looking after for our friend, Jane.
How will you go with the heat?
Haha yes some people know me too well. It can get up to 49 degrees sometimes during summer. That's why I want an indoor job. And, yes, our house has airconditioning.
How long are you going to live in Buntine for?
At least a year and we'll see how it goes. I really want to give it a go and I think a year will be enough time to sit down, assess, plan and pray whether we should stay or move on.
Will you miss Perth?
Yes and no. I'll miss the people most of all. Perth has it's charms but I'm over the city lifestyle. I'll miss the beach (can't believe I'm moving inland) even though I don't always get there, it's just nice having it not too far away. I'll miss being able to go down to the shops and grab something at the last minute. I'll have to be organised in Buntine since the shops are 40 minutes drive away and there are no takeaway places. But I most definitely won't miss the fast pace, the traffic and driving all over the suburbs to see people. I'm also looking forward to saving money and using it wisely for God's purposes as there is far less crap to waste your money on up there.
Is this the end of the Sedshed? (I just threw that question in)
Are you kidding? You can't get rid of me that easily. One of my 'conditions' for moving to Buntine was that we replace Duncan's stone-age dialup with high speed broadband :)
Feel free to ask more questions. I don't mind. Lots of prayer and encouragement would be nice.