In just 85 pages, the book explores the concept of ‘now, but not yet’. That is, that Christians experience some of the kingdom now, but it will not be fully consummated until Jesus returns. Therefore, it is easy to encounter Christians who believe that true followers of Christ can have full victory over sinful temptation and will receive healing from ailments right NOW. If they don’t, then they have obviously don’t have enough faith. People who say that to others who are sick or suffering make me furious. John Chapman uses plenty of Scripture to demonstrate that the Christian life was never meant to be a walk in the park now. Sometimes the only way is to simply press on.
Chapman also explores the various reasons why we suffer in this world – the devil, fallen creation, and persecution from others. Christians have a foot in both camps. We are citizens of the world to come, but while we are in this world, we press on with that great hope.
I find that I often know this stuff in my head, but when trouble comes, it takes longer to impact my heart. Often I cry out “Why Lord?” as if suffering were strange and unexpected, instead of remembering that there is no promise in the Bible that it would be easy. A Foot In Two Worlds might not be mind-blowing, but it is a great encouragement from a man who has been a Christ follower for over 60 years
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