Monday, December 02, 2013

Press On Mums by Colin Buchanan

I've mentioned before that Colin Buchanan is a regular feature in my car now (the man knows how to settle grizzly babies, I can tell you!)

Karen and Meredith recommended I get Colin's CD, Real Hope which has the following song.

It's the middle of harvest here and, boy, now I know why mums with small children on farms detest seeding and harvest so much!  It's hard on the men, but it's hard on the women as well.  I feel like a single parent some days as Duncan's gone before Rory gets up and not home until he's in bed again.

I take my hat off to you, single mums!  You are amazing!

Thank you, Colin for this song!  May it encourage all of the mums out there.  I can't wait to buy this CD!

Press on, Mums, in all the chaos,
Look to Jesus through the tears,
God will guide you
Through those precious, tender years.
And in all you do, do it for Jesus,
Who won you life and free forgiveness.
Yesterday, today, He is the same,
All you do, do it in Jesus' name.
And when all your human energy is gone,
Look towards your Jesus and press on.

Lyrics sourced from here.

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