Monday, November 09, 2015

It's Happened Again

I thought I'd beaten it this time.

I thought I was doing well.

Maybe I was fooling myself.

I'm back in the Mother Baby Unit with Flynn - a different one this time - after relapsing with postnatal depression and anxiety. I've been here for 11 days so far and discharge seems like a long way away.

I'm reading Trusting God by Jerry Bridges at the moment because it's a fight to trust God when I feel so angry and I don't understand why He's allowed this to happen again.


Wendy said...

Oh Sarah! You've done all you could to "beat" it, but sometimes in this imperfect world God allows us to go through stuff rather than shielding us from it. Though it doesn't feel like it at the moment, you'll come out of this with a stronger faith. Remember, it's not you holding on to Him, He's holding onto you (Footprints). Praying for you and yours.

Meredith said...

I read this last night, woke up during the night and prayed for you again and woke up this morning wondering if it had been a dream. Sad to see it in print again and find that it is real. There are no words. But there are prayers. And we will pray them for you and lift you up before the God of comfort. One day at a time.

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, Sarah, I´m so sorry to hear.
Maybe it doesn´t help but at least you know you´ll come out of this darkness well and happy, no? You´ll be able to enjoy life with your awesome family again, and hopefully soon, too.
As Meredith said... one day at a time. Thinking of youx.

Sarah said...

I thank God for giving all of you such a good way with words. xoxo