Can I take her home? Please...please?
About to enter the chocoholics' paradise.
I was in chocolate heaven. And no, they weren't all for me ;)
On our way to Margaret River, we saw a cow lying down in a paddock. Initially it wasn't moving so Duncan thought it was dead but then it moved and we realised it was in labour.
By the time we headed back, it had a calf.
If you're reading this and have ever come to a social event I've organised and are thinking "I wonder if Sarah actually wanted me there?" - don't worry. Chances are I did - very much. It's usually only a very small minority that I um and ah about.
Why do we do it? Why not bite the bullet and not invite people we don't really want? If they going to ruin the occasion by being difficult or demanding or they've been treating you like crap in the lead up to the event, why risk having a terrible time ourselves for people who don't give a toss about us?
The 'difficult' people who we feel so pressured to invite often fall into one of the following categories:
There are two types of people I dread inviting to my parties - 'negative toxic people' and 'drama queens'. Negative toxic people are the type of people who turn up to events in the most dreadful mood and generally ruin your fun and the whole atmosphere with their sulky manner and sullen glares. Drama queens show up to events and try to steal the attention away from the host by making it all about THEM. An example would be single people who turn up to weddings and wail so that the attention is on them instead of on the bride and groom. This really makes my blood boil. For heavens sake, I know it's difficult to be single but for ONE DAY you'd think they could concentrate on being happy for someone else for once!
I want to be the courageous one who only invites who I WANT for once. But I know I won't because someone always says "why haven't you invited so and so?" and then I feel bad.
Why am I discussing this? Well, as regular readers of the Sedshed will be aware - my birthday was last week and I want to have a bit of a celebration in late June (I'm a bit busy at the moment).
I want to only have people I love at my party. As you can read in the Changes and Challenges post, it's been a tough year in some ways and I've had to put up with a lot of 'difficult people'. Here's the question I'm posing to you all - should I invite the 'difficult' people to my party? And by 'difficult' I mean people who have hurt me consistently with their words and actions - not just one errant word.
You might think I'm crazy for even considering it especially after what I've said earlier in this post. But I've been reading a lot in the Bible about loving enemies (sadly even Christian enemies) and doing good to those who hurt us. It's so easy to love people who love me - anyone can do that. My reasons for inviting them would be so that by showing undeserved kindness to them, it might lead them to repentance.
Here are the pros and cons for inviting my enemies to my party:
They might repent and the relationship be restored
The enemies will wreck my party and I'll have a crap time
I don't particularly WANT my enemies at my party. But I want to do what's right - loving them even though it's hard. I'm not sure inviting them IS the right thing to do so that's why I need your advice. I wouldn't not invite them out of spite but rather to protect myself. The mere presence of some people can make me very stressed and I don't want to feel like that at my birthday party (I'm feeling tense now just thinking about it).
What would you do? Have you been in this situation yourself? Please leave some advice in the comments section - even if you want to be anonymous.