Friday, August 09, 2013

The Pendulum: Come Lord Jesus....But Not Yet

Is it just me or does anyone feel torn between wanting Jesus to return right now, and wanting Him to hold off just a bit longer?

There's nothing quite like suffering (mine and others') to give me some perspective.  It makes me cry out, "Come Lord Jesus!"  Come and end the pain, the heartache, the tears, the sin, the cursed creation.

But other times I'm just far too complacent.  Life is peachy.  There are things I want to do before I die or Jesus returns (whichever comes first). 

I also want to Jesus to delay His return so that my non-Christian friends and family have time to repent and turn to Him.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the "Come Lord Jesus" side.  But then as I sit and type this in my parents' lounge room in Albany I'm reminded that they do not yet kneel before Jesus as Lord, and I pray that He changes their hearts....soon.

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