Friday, December 12, 2014

We Have a Winner, Folks!

The random number generator thingy has chosen....

Karen from Life Actually

Congratulations Karen!  Could you please leave a comment with your postal address and choice of book (the comment won't be published).  Due to Christmas being so close, it may take a while for the book to arrive.

Thank you to everyone who entered. 

Now, I asked what 'Christian issue' has most interested readers if this blog lately.  Here are the anonymous responses.  It was interesting that no-one seems to have any pet issues at the moment:

Well, I'm not one for really getting caught up in issues so I don't often go looking for books on particular issues. The best book I've read in last 12 months is Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. Highly recommended. Her account of becoming a Christian and leaving behind life as a lesbian. Most convicting is the wonderful way her church family loved her as she explored, questioned and grew. A challenge for all of us to love the way Jesus did. 

My reading this last six months has been very sparse, mainly books to keep up with Bible study preparation. So obviously "A Gospel Pageant" by Allan Chapple has been big on my agenda and more recently a couple of books on the minor prophets.
And now in December you will find me dipping once again into "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" edited by dear Nancy Guthrie.
So not issues as such - more study preparation and now Christmas preparation.

My Christian book reading lately has been pretty limited really. Our church encouraged us to read a book, and then discuss it in small groups with the plan of giving it away to a non Christian friend, so I read a book called "Stepping Out in Faith" by Mark Gilbert. It's a book about former Catholics sharing how they came to know the Gospel in their lives. Hoping to pass that one on to a Catholic friend of mine.
I have also started reading "Good News for Weary Women" by Elyse Fitzpatrick. The title sounds terrible, but weariness is probably an apt description of the state of my life at present! It's been a good reminder that we don't need to place unrealistic expectations on ourselves because we already have everything we need in the Gospel.
So I guess maybe the theme of my reading lately has been that the Gospel is all that we need!

My plans for next year are to read some Christian biographies (The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert is actually at the top of my list).

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