Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Crazy Dog People

We had to reassure the worried grandparents on the phone last week, that when we told them our family was growing, it was not another grandchild, but a granddog!

Welcome, Shadow

Now there are three of them at the door

Kisses for Auntie Maya

Shadow is part Labrador, part Border Collie and is only seven months old. We hadn't planned on getting another dog, but, last Monday, Duncan received a message from a truck driver who did some work for the farm during harvest.  Due to a change of circumstances, he needed to rehome his dog. He seemed like a nice guy and a responsible pet owner, but I was surprised that Duncan agreed.  Duncan doesn't like male dogs because they pee on cars, hence we've never had a male animal, bar the roosters.

Maya has welcomed the pup and indulged in some play fighting with him.  Gypsy, on the other hand, has got her tail in a bit of a knot over the newcomer.  For the past couple of years, she has been trying to take Maya's mantle as top dog, so every advance Shadow made was met with a fierce snarl.  I'm sure she'll come round eventually.

The boys love Shadow, but are a bit intimidated by his size (he's already bigger than the other dogs).

He's a lovely addition to the family.


Iris Flavia said...

Though I´d rather be a cat-person I can say with a smile he looks really friendly. Great addition to your family.

Sarah said...

I love cats, too. Dogs and cats both have their pros and cons, I reckon.